The All Under project includes a short film and a video installation.
In this project I have wanted to study the human body according to the same model as particle physics examines the physical laws.
The films show under-water scenes with naked bodies, men and women, struggling, fighting, colliding, attracting and putting each other away. But by neglecting them being people and instead consider them as matter, I have wanted to see if human beings, behavioural patterns, can be looked upon within existing physical laws.
Particle physics and chaos theories have been my basis and I have tried to find patterns of movements and standards for attraction and repellation. Obviously they are people under water but they also become something else. I believe that my cold attitude towards the material, the none personified bodies, have opened up too many interpretations of the work.

All Under Short film
Out of the void a naked cast clash in violent confrontation…
Bodies collide, miss, twist and embrace. Tense, gripping,
fluid and spinning, All Under evinces a scenario
both dynamic yet melancholy… all asunder… All Under.
All Under video installation
According to Einstein, mass and energy are equivalent and only two expressions of one and the same phenomenon.