Noise Gate
Installation with box, computer, light and sound
Insyn, Stockholm Cultural Capital of Europe 1998
Written 1998 …
Approximatly 2000 advertising messages reach us every day, TV, jingles, IT, information, radio, computers, ”Don´t miss this”, hardware, software, zapping, now….. Noise in extreme. A world screaming loader for each day. In this huge flow of events people try to be visible.
A search on Alta Vista on the search word ” jag är ” – ( I am) responded to 675 000 pages in December 1997. The 200 pages that were presented had head-lines like: THIS IS ME, WHO AM I? LOOK AT ME!! Pages shouting out – See Me! – I Am!
Noise Gate was a construction to eliminate noise and disturbances. A solution for frustrated humans to survive a speedy and media noisy society.
NOISE GATE – Solution for a noisy planet
Urgent advice:
In case of emergency – which soap shall I choose? Enter nearest Noise Gate. Focus on the pulsating light. One minute is enough.
Sound-proof metal box, Light-construction with a pulsating light (5x750W), reactor-sound. A computer controlled the process. Outside: loud-speakers – a voice reading from the pages presented on AltaVista on the searchword ”I am”, mixed with TV/media noise.
My co-workers:
Technical engineer: Petter Feltenstedt
Sound: Anders Wikestedt
Light advice: Jan Gouiedo
Artdirector: Malin Ringblom
The voice: Bente Danielsson
©Gunilla Leander